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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs


Participation in Other International Programs

Project LingoRob with Germany

LingoRob - Learning Language in Developmental Robots - is a project of the Programme Hubert Curien PHC Procope with Germany (University of Hamburg). The scientific objective of the collaboration is to better understand the mechanisms underlying language acquisition and enable more natural interaction between humans and robots in different languages, while modelling how the brain processes sentences and integrates semantic information of scenes. Models developed in both labs involve artificial neural networks, and in particular Echo State Networks (ESN), also known as pertaining to the Reservoir Computing framework. These neural models allow insights on high-level processes of the human brain, and at the same time are well suited as robot control platform, because they can be trained and executed online with low computational resources. The collaborators will also combine Deep Learning networks to the reservoir models already used in order to benefit from their very good feature extraction abilities.

Project BGaL with India

In the 3-years project “Basal Ganglia at Large (BGaL)”, funded by the CNRS and the CEFIPRA, we collaborate with the computer science department of IIIT Hyderabad and the biomedical department of IIT Madras, for the design of models of basal ganglia and for their implementation at large scale as well as for their relation with other brain structures. This year we have developed a model of a dopaminergic region, VTA, central for reinforcement learning in the basal ganglia.

Project ECOS-Sud with Chile

In the 3-years project “A network for computational neuroscience, from vision to robotics”, funded by ECOS-Sud and Conicyt, we collaborate with University Santa Maria and University of Valparaiso in Chile, and also with another Inria EPI, NeuroMathComp. The goal of the project is to rely on our experience of previous collaborations with these teams, to develop original tools and experimental frameworks to open our scientific domains of investigation to new fields of valorization, including medical (neurodegeneration) and technological aspects (robotics). This year, in addition to the visits of a Professor and a PhD student, we have written a chapter book that will be published next year and have prepared together a summer school to be held in Chile in january 2017 (